Is your son or daughter sitting their GCSE's in the next year or two?

Would a maths revision sheet landing in your email box 3 or 4 times a week for foundation GCSE maths be helpful?

If yes, please keep reading...

When I've been working with children I often find that they remember what we've done in the moment, but forget it soon after.

Even if we have used multiple resources to try and create multiple different memories in the brain, having somewhere that you could return to when they are revising might be helpful.

I've spoken to a few people recently; students and parents and asked if it would be helpful if I created revision notes/ 'how-to-do' sheets for the different areas that we cover.

The feedback has been a unanimous yes, though it's been asked if I could use diagrams as well as words, and to use colour.

So, that's what I'll do.

I wondered if there were more GCSE students out there that would benefit from receiving them, so I decided to offer it to everyone beyond those we work with at Clara James Tutoring.

I'm going to make it available for free (obviously) to everyone we tutor, just 99p for the year for the first 25 people who get in touch and ask to receive them, then 99p/month thereafter with the ability to stop receiving them at anytime.

If you'd like to receive them, email me at and I will be in touch.

A little bit about who I am:

When I started Clara James Tutoring back in 2012, I lacked confidence to a degree which leapt of the scale. I was just coming out of a divorce; I’d had to change my job to one that I quickly realised I didn’t like, and I had 3 young children.

A friend suggested I had a go at tutoring as I’d spent the previous 12+ years working in childcare and education, but having just failed in marriage, I feared failing at something else. I don’t think my self-worth could have coped with it.


In the end I took the leap and created my first profile. I wanted to, needed to succeed at this. In my mind, that just meant not to be publicly humiliated for being incompetent, for not having a clue, for being a failure.

My goal wasn’t high!

12 years later, the business has grown beyond my wildest dreams. There are 9 of us working under the Clara James Brand in my local town, we have franchised, there are training courses, and I’ve published a book. We have been nominated as finalists in national business awards. We also have the membership group for primary school parents: The Clara James Approach and we are opening the Clara James Tutor’s Group for tutors. My big goal is to get our Neurodiverse training into schools.


Something I learned along the way was that if we do one thing to help us to learn we create a memory. If we repeat that thing we make that memory stronger. However, our brain still only has one place to go to where it can find that information.

However, we do multiple things to help us learn, we create multiple memories making it easier to recall the information when needed.

Parents often say they are concerned about helping their children in case they explain it differently and confuse them. Sometimes we need something explaining to us in a different way so that it makes sense, to give us that eureka moment!

So, if your child is sitting their GCSE (foundation) maths this year and you would like to receive the emails, do get in touch and let me know:

Warm wishes,


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