Your Special Offer!

Feb 17, 2023 9:01 am

Peace be upon you,

I promised to share a special offer today on how you can work with me right now.

Here goes.

Having worked with several established female coaches and consultants, I noticed that most have no issue with what to write about, but picking a topic out of many ideas to focus on now so that they can stand out as an authority in their niches and make so much impact.

As a multi-talented coach, you also need the structure to get started so that the process is super easy for you to navigate instead of scrambling. 

With this in mind, I created a Done With You service especially for you to conquer these two obstacles. The DWY is called Book Clarity in A Box - BCAB for short.

Here's my promise to you;

I’m going to help you create a step-by-step process for writing your book as well as marketing it so that you can actually start selling even if this is your very first book.

One of the main contributors to abandoned or unfinished manuscripts is not creating an outline before starting on your book-writing journey.

If you want to finish writing your book in record time, you must create your outline which you then break down into a writing schedule that speeds you to the finish line.

Staring at a blank page and not knowing what to write or having writer's block will be a thing of the past for you!

Click the button below to read more about the offer.

I Want The Offer!

In this one-off 2 hour session with me virtually, we shall do the following;

  • Choose the best title that shall get your readers raving and recommending your book. If you've got a title already, I shall help you tweak it to pull your audience in.

  • Create a complete Blueprint for writing your book from start to finish.

  • Create an outline for your book attached with timelines that work for you.

  • You also get a worksheet to document your book-writing process.

  • Of course, you have access to me, to ask general Q&A related to authorship, and publication.

  • Included with all the above is a bonus of two post-check-ins immediately after our session. This is determined as you want it.

If this is not your cue to sprint to register for your session now before the price goes up, I don't know what is. :D

Click the 'I Want It Now' button.

I'm In! I Want To Be The Go-To Author-ity.

I can take only 10 coaches for this offer while it lasts.

I look forward to making you the go-to authority in your niche by writing your book now!

ο»ΏTo your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach


PS: Be among the first 5 coaches to get the added 10% off!
