Simply Get Things Done: Kick Procrastination In The Face?

May 20, 2024 11:00 am

Peace be upon you,

The common culprit that coaches use or hide behind is procrastination.

I had a clarity session with one of my prospects to unearth some of the things that have been keeping her from completing and publishing her book.

M mentioned that from past experiences, she found that whenever she put things out for sale, nobody buys them, hence she felt hesitant from completing her book because she wasn't a good salesperson and feared people wouldn't buy after all the effort she put forth. 

Here's what she had to say after our session.


If you're in the same situation as M, then you need to join the Simply Get Things Done - SGTD accountability mastermind.

Before sharing more about SGTD, here's how you can stop procrastination in its tracks. 

From a consistency class that I took, I learnt there are five reasons you feel lazy and procrastinate. 

  1. You're afraid that the task is too overwhelming. 
  2. You feel that there's still time to do the task.
  3. When you don't see any benefits of doing the task right now.
  4. You're afraid of failing. 
  5. When you're in the 'no mood' excuse.

Which of these reasons above is yours?

Now back to the SGTD.

This is an accountability group where the participants bring a project(s) or tasks to complete in a setting that's safe and accountable. 

I personally hold you accountable for every step you take to accomplish any projects you've got.

I've been having this mastermind for a year now and I've helped coaches get clarity to start their book writing journey and equally helped other coaches to be more productive with their lives and businesses. 

I look forward to taking on more coaches on this journey of being accountable and productive with their time.

Are you looking for such a group, Sis? 

Then click the button to learn more and register.

Learn More & Register Here!

You can shoot me any questions you might have. 

We start on 29th May 2024, God willing. 

ο»ΏTo your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

PS: The door to join SGTD accountability mastermind is opened for the next 2 days and then it closes. Join us here.
