Hack A New Habit.

Jan 27, 2023 8:01 am

Peace be upon you,

At a Masterclass on the 25th of January 2023, I learned more about tiny habits and we were given the chart of the 8 habits of the Spiritually-Intelligent, High Performing Muslims.


Before I delve into that, here's how I've been for some years now. 

I would want to develop a new habit but not see it through. 

For example, I wanted to write down my affirmations and visualize my goals daily like forever but didn't do it until this year when I told myself, "Enough is enough."


If I want to see changes, I need to be ready to put in the work and consistently do it. 

It's one of the reasons that I joined the Peak Performance masterclass last year.

Alhamdulillah, I'm much better and on the path to having consistent habit-forming in my personal and business lives.

Here are the 8 habits I mentioned earlier in this post. 

  1. The habit of solah, 
  2. The habit of remembrance and du'a, 
  3. The habit of reciting & memorizing the Qur'an, 
  4. The habit of planning, 
  5. The habit of fasting, 
  6. The habit of seeking knowledge, 
  7. The habit of exercise,
  8. The habit of napping.

For me, I picked the habit of napping because I've been on it for the past months and have yet to get to nap for 20 minutes every afternoon. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ 

Which one, two, or three of the habits are you going to start? Share by sending a reply to this email. 

ο»ΏTo your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach


PS: PS: Join me for a free webinar today evening to learn tools to work less and achieve more to become productive. It's happening in the female-only Facebook community, PCCNetwork. join here. πŸ‘‰ https://www.facebook.com/groups/PCCNetwork 
