My break up with social media.

Aug 29, 2023 1:29 pm

Peace be upon you,

When I joined Facebook in 2008, I was so excited to connect with friends and colleagues worldwide. I opened it mainly for connections and not with business in mind. However, over time when I delved into personal development and coaching, I started using it for marketing my coaching services and digital assets (my books). Years down the road, I've jumped on other SM platforms such as LI and Instagram.

As time went on, I realised that I yearned for more space to be in my element doing my things such as writing, painting, connecting physically and just being instead of scrolling endlessly and mindlessly through social media. 

I am a productive person who loves organizing and using my time for things that serve me spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally. 

You know how you intend to focus on one thing but get distracted by Facebook, instagram, LinkedIn and others? The distraction has been at an all high and I'm feeling discontented with most of the platforms which thrive on taking more and more of our time from doing the actual important stuff.

Right now, I feel that SM is not serving me as a person and as a business. Rather, it's taking so much from my creativity than I want to part with. I've had the intention of quitting Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin for a long time and decided that 2023 will be that year. However, for one reason or another I've been slow in taking action to let go of them. Not any more. Since the aim of been on SM is no longer working for me, why still hang on? I have deleted my instagram and twitter accounts leaving the professional one which is also going soon. So is the Facebook group and Linkedin profile.

I feel that I owe you an explanation as you are part of my Tribe to share my thoughts with you on the issue. I shall finally be letting go of the Published Coaches & Consultants Network Facebook group before this year runs out. I know itโ€™s going to be soon after giving you enough time to go through the group for anything you need to get, download or watch (for those in the group). 

As Iโ€™m letting the main SM platforms go, I'm moving to telegram, whatsapp, YouTube, and my email community for now. These shall be my main platforms for communication and connection going forward and I'd love you to join me there if you want to continue engaging with my content and services.

Join my telegram group link below for those who want to write their books

Join the WhatsApp group link here if you want to join the productive busy women professional for productivity.

Finally, if you're interested in only reading my books, you will need to join the readersโ€™ community list. Click the link below to join.

If you have questions about my decision to leave SM or any other questions, do get in touch by sending a DM or getting into my inbox on

My website shall go through an upgrade soon and house most of the content I shall be sharing with you to learn, transform and be your best version.

Go and check out the website through the link below so that you can connect with me there.

MyYouTube channel is jampacked with value for you if you prefer there. Check it out here.

Thank you so much for being an  amazing tribe of talented and gorgeous coaches and consultants. 

See you on the new journey that I'm embarking on with you. I sincerely love and appreciate you.

๏ปฟTo your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

