day 34

Oct 05, 2023 7:01 am

Hello, Productive .

I mostly start my day with a morning walk after preparing the kidsโ€™ lunch for school and I do this three to five times a week and the weekend is for rest. 

I have developed this habit for the past three years. I do lapse sometimes, but because it has become a habit, Iโ€™m able to quickly bounce back. This one routine helps set the tone for my morning. It helps me to reflect during my walk on how to plan my day or gives me ideas for my writing and coaching businesses. I enjoy it and look forward to it. 

I also write down what Iโ€™m grateful for each day as much as I can. This routine was disturbed during my book fair event planning and I plan to get back to it as soon as possible. Writing my gratitude in a beautiful notebook has helped me to always look at the positive sides of things - bad or good.

Your task for today. 

Do you have a morning routine? If yes, stick to it if it greatly serves you or create one that truly makes you happy and serene. 

If you don't have a morning routine that is for YOU only, then this is the time to create one that serves you. 

Tomorrowโ€™s task is related to this one. 

To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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