Day 23

Sep 20, 2023 7:01 am

Hello, Productive .

Don't hesitate to ask for help or collaborate with others when needed to enhance productivity and share the workload.

I remember when I needed to get the venue for the first edition of The Muslim Author Book Fair - TMABF last year. I had so much to do that I wasn't able to look for a venue. I had the help of a Virtual Assistant who sourced for different venues that I had to choose for. It helped me to focus on the other arrangement for the Fair.

Another example is getting someone who has a buisness that is related to yours to see how what you do/offer intersects with the other person's. This way, you both take advantage of your different audiences.

I did this last year with a sister whereby we collaborated to teach and coach writers on how to write and sell their books. I took the writing part while the sister took the sales part. We delivered amazing value to the audience that included our tribes.

Your task for today.

What task can you collaborate with someone else that will allow you to get the tasks done easier and faster?

To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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