my morning walk habit + new programs anticipation.

Jul 01, 2023 9:01 am

Peace be upon you, .

If you didn't join us for the challenge we had this month, you might not be aware of the programs that I shared with those who participated.

Anyway, I plan to share the two programs with you in my next email.

, you're aware that to get result from something, you MUST put in effort, right?

I started my journey of morning walk in late 2019 if I get my date right. That's almost four years later. At the beginning, the walk was an inconvenience for me but I persisted even when I didn't feel like taking a walk sometimes.

Something that I started reluctantly became a habit that I've sustained for three years plus and still ongoing. I don't plan to stop anytime soon. 😁

One of the habits that got me stuck to my morning walk routine was reading Atomic Habits by James Clear and this ensured that I didn't get discouraged or stop walking.

Here are the things that my morning walk helped me with;

  • My right knee no longer ache whenever I climb a staircase.

  • I'm more grateful for the fresh air and the blue sky everytime I go for my morning walk.

  • I've been inspired with great ideas for my business on some of these walks.

  • My mindfulness practice has been top notch as I focus and remain in the present without distraction from my gadgets while on my walk.

  • Bonding with my children when they go on the walk with me.

  • And many more benefits.

Won't you want to develop a habit in something that's going to be beneficial for you throughout your life?

I believe the answer is a yes.

So, look out for the email talking about the programs I mentioned above.

Have an amazing weekend. πŸ˜ƒ

To your awesomeness,


Your Book/Accountability Coach.
