Update your To-Do List, {{contact.first_name}}!

Apr 15, 2024 8:00 am


Peace be upon you,

TPN is back!

Thank you for your patience when the newsletter went on break. πŸ˜ƒ I hope you did enjoy the Ramadan reflections too.

This week, look at updating your To-Do List.

To do this, I usually brainstorm on the outstanding and important tasks for the business for the week.

  • Since I just resumed fully today, I have listed the clients and prospects that I shall be connecting with. I also have events and classes that I've registered to attend this week. All these are going to form my to-do list for this week. I shall ensure not to take on too much so that I do not burn out.

  • Take a moment to review and update your to-do list for the day. Add any new tasks that have come up and prioritize accordingly. Doing this should set you up for success, God willing.


Have a barakah-filled day and an amazing start to Monday.

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

PS: Whenever you're ready, here is one way you can increase your income and achieve your 2024 goal of writing your creative nonfiction book as a female coach or consultant. You get to create the book that takes your business to a new higher level.

Book your Group BCAB (Book Clarity in A Box) Masterclass with me for April 2023. This is where you get a 3-hour session with me in a group setting to create your detailed nonfiction book blueprint. Imagine digging out the gold of your book! There are only 10 slots available.

