day 28

Jan 10, 2024 7:00 am

Hello, Productive .

Take time to reflect on your progress, evaluate what's working and what's not, and make adjustments accordingly.

I picked up one of my journals some time ago and went through it.

I was amazed at the different ideas and goals that I had back then to accomplish. One was to become a Fashion Designer who designs modest clothing because I love fashion and am great at drawing. I thought that was going to be my path or side business. Sadly enough, I discovered that spending countless hours on a sewing machine wasn't the vision I had for me! Going through the journal showed me some goals that I have achieved without knowing and there were more that are yet to be achieved. This act is known as reflection, reviewing, and evaluating. 

When you want to review and reflect on your life and business, you must create time for it. When you do this regularly, you’re able to know what works for your life or business and continue to do such and what doesn't work for your life or business and stop doing it or upgrade.

As a business, I had a service which I promoted over time to my audience but few purchased and there was another service which my clients were asking more of. Hence, when I reviewed my services and products, based on the result I got above, I started marketing and selling more of the services that my audience wanted. If I hadn't reflected and reviewed my services, I wouldn't have come to the conclusion of focusing more on one than the other.

Your task for today.

Pick a date when you shall reflect and review your personal and business lives regularly and schedule it in your Google calendar. Remember day 11 of 4th September 2023 when you created your timetable? Use the same tip to schedule your reflections and reviews.

To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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