day 44

Feb 05, 2024 7:01 am


Hello, Productive .

I used to ignore carrying out a review of my personal and business goals until I knew better.

I remember a time I went through one of my journals to see all the goals I promised to achieve and the ones I had outgrown.

One of my goals was to become a Fashion designer who designs and creates modest wear because I enjoyed designing. I later realised that I didn't have the patience to cut the fabrics and peddle the sewing machines for hours. No, it wasn't for me. It was with growth that I knew that it was a goal that wasn't me. 

Doing a review also helps you to slow down in your business and personal lives to be grateful for all you've been blessed with. 

I was going through another of my journals one time too and found the du’a I made that had all been answered and I didn't know or weren't aware of. Doing that review helped me to sit and reflect 

Revisit and refine your goals periodically to ensure they align with your evolving priorities and aspirations.

Your task for today.

  • Go through your 2024 goals for business and life.
  • Check that they are still in alignment with what is important to you in this season of life.
  • Retweak where necessary so they align with where you aspire to be. 
  • Decide on the periods to carry out these reviews.

To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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