how can you delegate tasks and effectively communicate your expectations to others?

Jul 17, 2023 10:15 am

Peace be upon you,

I remember when I was an employee working as an accountability coach.

My employer was someone who did things on the spur of the moment. She was so spontaneous that I couldn't keep up with her, and it made me feel behind in carrying out some tasks.

As someone who loves having a detailed process for a task and knowing what's expected of me, I don't work well with spontaneity.

To answer the question "how can I delegate and effectively communicate my expectations to others?", you can follow these steps:

• Know the type of personality you're working with and ensure that you cater to how they process information, as I mentioned in the story above.

• Clearly define the task you wish to delegate. Outline the specific objectives, deliverables, and any relevant details or instructions.

• To get maximum output from your delegation, communicate the desired outcome or result you expect from the task. This allows the person to visualize what needs to be achieved. Also, share clear guidelines on quality standards, deadlines, and any specific requirements.

• If necessary, break down the task into smaller sub-tasks, making it easier to carry out. You can also explain the sequence in which the tasks should be completed.

• Encourage the person to ask questions. If there are any questions, answer and discuss them to ensure a full understanding of the task. Address any concerns or uncertainties to avoid misunderstandings.

Have you ever delegated a task in the past that went completely wrong?

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

