you are invited, {{contact.first_name}}!

Mar 01, 2024 5:32 pm


Write joyfully, 

Grow remarkably

Peace be upon you,

I'm so excited about this one! I've had the intention of creating an online space for my amazing Tribe of readers and writers for a day, to come and talk about books and books for the day! But somehow, I keep postponing it. So, I've decided to do it imperfectly. 🀩 


Are you interested in joining me, yours truly, and other amazing sisters for a cosy online hangout where we talk about my books that you've read and lessons you've learnt from them and also have quizzes where you win amazing prizes and more? πŸ˜‰ 

Is that YES! YES!! YES!!?!

Then register by clicking on the button below. 

Register Here!

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

PS: Yes, you can share the flyer with your friends and family members who you're sure would jump on this invitation as a reader or writer. Thank you as you do this.
