see the services on offer for Q1 from us!

Jan 10, 2024 5:18 pm


Write joyfully, 

Grow remarkably

Peace be upon you,

How are you doing this beautiful Wednesday?

I want to remind you of the services that we are offering this first quarter of 2024.

See the image with the information.


Enrolment into our bestselling mastermind is closed for the quarter and we started today. However, if you're interested in joining SGTD in Q2, join the waitlist to be notified when it opens.

Click the button below.

Notify Me, Please!

If you want the following experiences, then BCAB Masterclass is best for you;

to develop the confidence to write your book with fun.

to develop the mindset of a writer who's got the structure to write any time.

to create an outline for your book and timelines that work for you.

to go away with a foolproof blueprint to start writing without writer's block.

The Book Clarity in A Box Masterclass is happening in March 2024, you can click the link below to join at an early bird price (only for you). When it opens to the public later, it's going to be at a higher price.

Join BCAB Masterclass Here!

Finally, if you've written your book, professionally edited and proofread it, formatted it and you're looking at sharing it with the world through publication on Amazon and Selar, then you need to send in your request by replying to this email or book a call with me by clicking the button below.

We shall be working with the writers between the 15th and 31st of January 2024. Afterward, the next chance to get digitally published shall be in February, God willing. So, plan so that you get your book published in no time!

Book Your Call!

That's it for now.

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach
