[FINAL CALL] on joining SGTD, {{contact.last_name}}.

Dec 31, 2023 10:00 pm


Write joyfully, 

Grow remarkably

Peace be upon you,

This is the last email you shall receive on joining us for the SGTD accountability mastermind, .

I've sent several emails on why you need to join, what you shall benefit and many more. I know that you've got what it takes to smash your 2024 goals on your own but I also KNOW that going it alone takes longer and could be frustrating.

If you already have someone to hold you accountable for your goals, that's great because it doesn't have to be with me. All I want is your success. :D

During the Hell Yes, Hell No session that I conducted last week Wednesday, I shared one insight that the participants related to.

"We overestimate what we can achieve in one year and underestimate what we can achieve in ten years."  

For the past years that I've been creating my online presence, I've come to realize the amazing impact having accountability can have on your productivity, {contact.first_name}}. The benefit is immense!

I look forward to working with you in the mastermind if you finally decide to work with me.

Join us here --->>> Simply Get Things Done - SGTD accountability mastermind.

I wish you all the best!

Join Now!

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

PS: If you plan to join us in the next quarter, then join the waitlist through the button below.

Join Here!
