day 33

Oct 04, 2023 7:01 am

Hello, Productive .

I love to have feedback though they sometimes make me uncomfortable, they do help a lot. As coaches or consultants, we can't work in isolation. You might not easily  see your blinspots while others would see them clearly for you. Hence the reason you need to seek regular feedback is to get better at whatever you're doing.

The other day, I had a meeting with a lovely sister to see how we could collaborate on some projects. We went deep into what she does and my coaching offers. As a communication and business strategist, she was able to direct me on how to harmonise my offers such that they feed into one another. Our conversation on that day made me determined to create a formal ecosystem for my coaching business offers. I might not get to take action if we didn't have the chat. 

In all, regularly seek feedback, learn from mistakes, and embrace a growth mindset to continually improve your skills and productivity. 

Your task for today.

Get feedback from a customer/client on what you've helped her/him achieve. Or ask your coach to share her/his thoughts on your offer or any other thing you need feedback on, You’ve got this!


To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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