day 29

Jan 11, 2024 7:00 am

Hello, Productive .

Cultivate a positive and growth-oriented mindset to stay motivated and resilient in the face of challenges.

As a person and a business, you must develop a positive and growth mindset so that you can overcome whatever obstacles you might face.

I remember the start of my job-hunting after graduating from the Uni. I had an interview with a construction company and as a hijabi and I planned to go with my head covered. However, my father and aunt convinced me to just tie my scarf as a turban instead of having it around my head and neck. I did as they suggested though I knew better. I wasn't considered for employment after the interview and I felt at the lowest because I had obeyed the creation rather than the Creator.

Since that day, I vowed never to let anotherโ€™s opinion about my beliefs affect me thereby taking me on a guilt trip. I learned to be consistent with my beliefs and values though they might not get me what I wanted. I believe that Allah knows best and He shall give me what is mine and nothing less or more. Looking back today, Iโ€™m happy that I stuck and still stuck with His commands no matter the struggles.

I am an optimist and tend to still see positivity where there are challenges because it helps me grow in any circumstance. It helps me develop resilience over time that I need to keep me motivated towards my goals.

Today, I want you to decide to have a positive and growth-oriented mindset going forward by choosing the kind of company you keep, the books you read, and believing in your Lordโ€™s promises in relation to your life in this world and the next one. Whenever something negative happens, take a deep breath, look into the supposed negative occurrence, and take the lessons from it. Thereโ€™s always a lesson or more that the negativity needs to teach you.   

To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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