Great News Revealed!

Mar 07, 2023 9:01 am

Peace be upon you,


Remember my email yesterday about sharing a piece of great news?

Are you ready to read the news?

Should I reveal it or not? :D

Should I or Should I not?

Okay...I am revealing it now...don't get annoyed.

Drum rooooollll!

"I'm hosting a 3-Day Write Your Book Challenge for you!"

Read below...

Do you find yourself going round and round in circles to write your book?

Do you stress about the topic to write about?

Do you have many book ideas but don't know which to go for first?

Do you have several experiences you want to share but can't start because it seems difficult?

Do you find yourself feeling resistance when you think of writing because you feel it's too hard and requires a lot of work?

If you say "Yes" to one or all of the questions, then this challenge is created for you.

This 3-Day challenge is my way of helping you to move forward and become the force to reckon with.

I know that this challenge is the start of a great thing for you.

Here are what you shall cover in the three days;

  • Day 1 - Understanding your audience

  • Day 2 - Choosing a topic and

  • Day 3 - Creating your mind map.

By the end of the challenge, you shall;

  • have a clear idea of the audience you're writing for.

  • be armed with a book topic, and

  • have a clear idea of what you want in your book.

If you're ready to join in, register now! Click the button below.

I'm In!

ο»ΏTo your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach


PS: Invite your coach and consultant female friends to register too! Just forward this email to them.
