at which level are you creating your habits, {{contact.first_name}}?

Jun 10, 2024 9:10 am


Peace be upon you,


Today's lesson from the Atomic Habits book is on the three layers of change

As we continue with the worldwide bestselling book, Atomic Habits, I want us to focus on the three behaviour changes when creating a habit.

The Outcome: This is the first layer that focuses on changing the outcome. For example, publishing a book, losing extra weight, running a marathon, etc.

The Process: The second layer is changing your process. For example, you can create an outline for your book, declutter your office desk, etc. Most habits you build are associated with this level.

The Identity: The third and most important level is changing your beliefs such as your worldview, biases, judgement about yourself, self-esteem, confidence, etc.

We often focus on changing the first layer instead of the third and most important - who you want to become.

The Lesson: Going forward, create your habit based on identity. This is called Identity-based habits by James Clear. 

What good habit are you creating or what bad habit are you breaking?

If this resonates with you, why not send a reply to let me know your thoughts? πŸ˜€ I read all my emails.  

Have a barakah-filled day and an amazing start to Monday.

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

PS: If you want to have a whole space of books to read for your personal and spiritual development, subscribe to Everand (formerly Scribd) to read all books FREE for 60 days through my link! Click here to subscribe. I've been with them for over 2 years now.
