Day 19

Dec 28, 2023 7:01 am

Hello, Productive .

Folder Structure.

Your task for today.

Create a clear and logical folder structure for your files. Start with broad categories and then break them down into subcategories. 

For instance, you might have a "Work" folder, and within that, subfolders for different projects or clients.

Here’s a screenshot of my laptop view showing how I store my files. As shown in the screenshot below, I created 4 folders that have/shall have subcategories as I use the laptop more. Since it’s a new one, I don't yet have files that I need more categories for.

Under the Coaching Resources category, I have another folder for coaching books. I shall create more subcategories as I add more files.


Go ahead and create yours.


To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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