Day 11

Sep 04, 2023 7:01 am

Hello, Productive .

It's time to take action!

Your task for today is to put into action the four different ways of using your Google calendar by creating your work timetable.

As a professional working from home or at a 9 to 5, you need to have a schedule that keeps you organized such that you're not overwhelmed with your work or life.

What are the MITs in your life and work that need to be scheduled into your calendar?

Using the day 1’s task, you can segregate your tasks into your calendar and color code for each category, enter into the description what the task is all about or the things needed to complete or attend to it, set reminders for tasks that are repetitive or routine and then block the number of minutes or hours to do the task.

Think K.I.S.S. 

When it feels daunting, then know that you're complicating and not simplifying it.

For me as a coach, I have days dedicated to different tasks that I need to carry out.

My Sunday Is for week planning and family time.

Monday is mainly for my inner circle accountability group - Simply Get Things Done  (SGTD) Mastermind sessions.

Tuesday is for my online Qur’an class.

Wednesday is for any business or personal activities.

Thursday is for clarity session for prospects looking to enroll into SGTD. 

Friday is my day off work to relax and indulge in reading and any other activity that takes my fancy or catch up on any other tasks I couldn’t complete during the week.

Saturday is for house chores or event attending if any.

Now, go have fun filling your calendar with your most important tasks to be as organized as you can be! Always rooting for you! πŸ’ͺ

Do not forget to use them;

  • Colour-Coding Magic.
  • Smart Event Descriptions.
  • Set Reminders Like a Pro.
  • Time Blocking Mastery.

To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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