when I failed twice...

Jul 25, 2023 8:01 am

Peace be upon you,


I remember a time when I sat for the foundation of ICAN examinations and had to take Management for the third time before I passed it and was able to move to the next level.

As a Science student, I used to tell myself that I wasn't good at writing long essays because Science students mostly deal with calculations and numbers. I don't know if you were a Science student back then and can relate to my experience. Let me know if you can.

Well, after two failures from attempting the Management course, I sat down to evaluate the main problem and how I could pass the obstacle and move to the next level.

One main problem was that I didn't explain some concepts enough or didn't understand them to share deeper. I started asking colleagues and friends who had passed the institute’s exams on the kind of textbook and strategies to demploy to pass this obstacle.

One finally recommended a known and tested textbook by a popular author to me which I read from cover to cover because I was desperate to pass. 😂 I also made loads of supplications since it was becoming embarrassing. How can a common Management course be doing this to me nah? 

By God’s mercy, I was able to pass the subject in the third attempt. I wish you could see how happy I was when I received the anticipated great news!

Know that there are always solutions to obstacles in your way. After doing it on your own and not getting results, then it is time to deploy other strategies. 

This quote says it all;

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results." ~ Albert Einstein.

If you’re a busy woman professional who has been grappling with achieving her goals and being productive but seems not to get it right, then the FREE webinar happening on Thursday, 27th July 2023 will be a great way for you to stop ‘falling your hand’ with procrastination or other obstacles. 

We've got just two days to go before the webinar.

Join the WhatsApp group here: https://bit.ly/BeProductiveWebinar

Have you ever been in a situation where you just needed to get out of a rut? 😀

I’d love to read about it in your reply to this email.

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach


PS: Kindly share the link far and wide, https://bit.ly/BeProductiveWebinar.

Thank you.
