Part 3 (Last part) On Ideas of what you can write in your book.Β 

Mar 25, 2023 3:29 pm

Peace be upon you,

This is part 3 and the last on Ideas of what you can write in your book. 

Remember, this is just to get your idea muse going and not as a complete book idea on its own.

  • You can address the common concerns or misconceptions that your client might have about your coaching, and explain how working with a coach can be a transformative experience. 

  • Emphasise the importance of the mindset and how it can impact a client's ability to succeed, and provide strategies for developing a positive and growth-oriented mindset.

Mindset was one of the sub topics I discussed in my book, Beginner’s Guide to Fiction Writing. It's all about how a beginner writer can know the fears stopping her and use suggestions in the book to solve those fears. 

That's it for ideas on what you can write in your book. 

Send a reply and let me know if any of the ideas spoke to you. πŸ˜‰

To your awesomeness,


Your Book/Accountability Coach.

PS: It's 6 days to the end  of the consultation offer. Take the offer here. 
