Welcome to the Projectkin Community, {{contact.first_name}}!

Nov 02, 2023 6:38 pm


๐ŸŽ‰ Thanks,

I'm thrilled to have you join our community. This automated email confirms that I have you now on my email list for the Projectkin Community and will include roughly monthly updates on our news, programs, and upcoming events.

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We still have a lot to figure out, but this community already feels right. It's informal and for now, I'm your sole proprietor with my โ€œPowers of Tienโ€ identity. Over time, I expect to formalize the organization formally into a non-profit. It really is all free programming and content. If you have any questions at all, just reach out to me at projectkinorg@gmail.com.

Our Community

As you explore what we've started, I expect you'll have your own insights on ways to capture and share family history in new and engaging ways given modern, digital technologies. We'd love to hear your ideas. That's what this community is all about.

Some projects are all-digital and others are hybrids of digital and old-fashioned paper collections. All are fun and thoughtfully designed to accommodate features like archiving and privacy as required by family historians.


We host several different kinds of events, all of which are designed to help you in your own family history projects. In our Event Archives in the Forum, you'll find a five-part series on each of the five essential elements of family history projects.

In addition, we host a couple of events every month:

  • Kathy's Corner: The series, features Kathy Stone sharing her insights on the challenges of digitizing that collection of inherited family photos and artifacts.
  • Monthly Project Clinics scheduled for the convenience of Eastern-Americas+Europe or Western-Americas+AsiaPac. These sessions will allow anyone with a story to tell to bring their tale to this open lab to sort through the best way to tell it.
  • DIY Project Recipe Events: Our members will walk through a โ€œrecipeโ€ for a real project they've completed from concept to implementation. These events conclude with the distribution of their recipe so you can duplicate the project yourself! See our event schedule for details.
  • Tutorial Tuesdays: One or two special Tuesday events each month focusing on topics of interest to the community. Generally, these are topics like QR codes or Metadata that you've heard about but may have been afraid to ask about. Don't worry, we've got you covered. Join us to learn more, or pop into the Event Archives and explore topics we've already covered. Have a topic? Let me know!

Forum Mechanics

To get you set up in the Community Forum at Podia.com, watch for a separate โ€œThanks for subscribingโ€ email from Podia, the third-party platform we use to manage the site. Follow the link and instructions to Finish signing up for your account. It gives you a spot to reset your password, and add your name and, if you're comfortable with it, a picture too. (Note: Currently this is at postponga.podia.com, this will be changing to a new platform after the new year.)

Take a look around at the forum topics and introduce yourself to the community. There's A Forum Best Practices topic that's a great place to start and a topic for introductions. A little context will help us all get to know each other a little better. You'll find the recordings for all past events in Event Archives (surprise, huh?)

One caution: Triggering the invitation to the Forum is a manual step for me, so it can take me anywhere from a minute to a full day to take care of it for you. Again, If you have any questions at all, just drop me a note at projectkin.org@gmail.com or schedule time on my calendar I'll be happy to help in any way I can.

Again, welcome. I'm delighted to have you join us on this journey.



Barbara Tien

Ringleader at Projectkin.org

A community of family historians hooked on stories.




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