I've got some exciting news for you...

Dec 11, 2023 9:34 pm


Hello lovely genies ✨

I've got some exciting news…

The 2024 Genealogy Organising Planner is on its way! 🎉


And I can’t wait for you to see it! 👀

I’m just putting the finishing touches on it so that it’s ready in the next couple of days.

In the meantime, I want to continue talking about using the new year to your advantage in terms of planning and organising 📓 your genealogy.

I want to be your cheerleader on this. 📣🎉

Honestly, I think it’s the best time for us to invest in ourselves with these introspective activities… 💚

We can harness the momentum of the new year and new beginnings because it’s an ideal time for thinking about the bigger picture and what we want to achieve in 2024. 🚀🎯

We can give ourselves the gift 🎁 of clarity and focus. 🔍

It’s the ideal time to map out a plan. 🗺️

We can use this opportunity to align our new goals 🔄 with the new year so that we’re in sync with the annual calendar. 📅

I’d encourage you to take a moment (or two or three or more) ☕to sit back, relax, and think about what your organising goal is for 2024.

But I also understand it’s not always as easy as it sounds.

For a whole host of reasons - whether it’s lack of time, having a fear of failure, an overwhelming sense of perfectionism, or an uncertainty of knowing where to start… 😬

But I want you to know there is a secret ingredient to help you overcome this stalling…

And that secret ingredient is… SUPPORT!

It’s often too hard to go it alone when organising your genealogy - and a whole lot less fun!

There are two types of support you need:

  1. Having access to the right tools 🛠️- they provide the tangible scaffolding when you’re organising and make the process easier and more enjoyable
  2. Having access to assistance 🎓- this can come in many forms from collaboration to coaching, and provides ongoing learning opportunities that help keep you motivated and improving

So know that I’m happy to provide you with free tools where I can like the 2024 Genealogy Organising Planner.

And that we have the Organise Your Genealogy group where we all rally for one another ❤️ sharing mistakes we make, wins we want to celebrate, and everything in between.

We’re all on this wonderous journey 🚶🌏of genealogy together.

Here's to a year of collective growth and achievement! 🌱😍


PS. The 2024 Genealogy Organising Planner will be available for download via the Organise Your Genealogy group, and I'll also send you a link via email.
