How To Carve a Niche For Your Ready To Wear Business

Dec 14, 2020 5:03 pm

Hello , trust you are good.

This is my first email to you since you joined my ready tonwear community.

You'd agree with me that bespoke tailors took a hit big time this year.




No parties to go to, many worked from home.

Fashion became the least concern for most people.

Except those who were into ready to wear.

How so?

The smart ones adapted.

They learned to create fashion that suited stay at home workers, stay at home moms, and co.

They created designs that could be worn at home and on an outing.

These were easy to sell. Now that lockdown has eased and we a semblance of normalcy returning, you need to consider an alternative to bespoke tailoring.

And that is in part, ready to wear. Don't wait till another health crisis or natural disaster come around before you receive sense and hedge your future round about.

Anyways my message to you is to take seriously the prospect of starting your ready to wear business.

It's time to pivot.

Watch this video to learn more about How to Carve A Niche for Your Ready to Wear Business:

It's the first part.

I'll send you the other part tomorrow.


Laoye Curtis

P.S: our webinar is on Friday 18 Dec 2020 at 7:00pm. Details will be communicated soon.
