Ready...set...sleep šŸ˜“

Aug 05, 2020 4:04 am

Hey !

Itā€™s so awesome to connect with you!

First of all, nice inbox šŸ˜Ž

Second...congrats on proving how f*cking AWESOME you are by signing up for SleepHackers.

Youā€™re already a step ahead of everyone else and closer to getting better sleep so you can live a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.


Hereā€™s what you can expect from here on out:

Starting tomorrow, youā€™ll be receiving emails with tips, tactics and insights you can apply immediately to get better sleep, sharpen your mind, and improve your health.

Now, let me tell you a little bit about me.

I used to suffer from really bad sleep. 

I mean constant tossing and turning, laying down trying to sleep only to check the time and realize hours had gone by. 

ā€œGo the f*ck to sleep already!ā€ Iā€™d yell in my head, and sometimes even out loud, which of course kept me awake longer.

Iā€™d wake up feeling like I was soaked in superglue, feeling slow and groggy and unmotivated.

Iā€™d be physically and mentally drained all day, but when night came, Iā€™d struggle to shut my mind down no matter how tired my body was (donā€™t you hate when that happens?).

I basically felt like thisšŸ‘‡



Needless to say, this affected my personal life, my relationships, and my business.

I was sick and tired of feeling this way, especially because Iā€™m an active person with a lot of responsibilities and really big goals.

So in order to combat my fatigue, I tried a bunch of different supplements, specifically in a category known as ā€œnootropicsā€ which are supposed to be ā€œcognitive enhancersā€ aka smart drugs. 

I even took the prescription drug Modafinil (the closest thing to the ā€œlimitlessā€ pill).

These were all short term fixes that only made the problem worse in the long run, because even if I had a really productive, energetic day, Iā€™d turn back into a zombie for at least 2 days after.


Then one day I came across some research by the worldā€™s top sleep experts that not only helped me improve my sleep but also taught me how to use sleep as the ultimate performance enhancer.

I even invested in some sleep tech to measure my sleep (Iā€™ll share my tech recommendations some day), and discovered some pretty big problems, including the fact that I donā€™t get enough deep sleep, which is why I would wake up feeling tired even after getting 8+ hours of sleep.

So I dug into the research, got obsessed, and wanted to preach the Good Word of Sleep to all who would listen so that maybe, just maybe, I could help improve someoneā€™s quality of life.

And thus, SleepHackers was born.

Iā€™m not a scientist or a medical professional, but I am committed to learning from the top experts and best minds in the sleep community. 

So tell me, whatā€™s your biggest struggle with sleep?

Or if you donā€™t want to share that, what do you hope to get out of SleepHackers?

I really want to know. 

Just hit reply and fire away.

If you really donā€™t want to share that with me, just reply to let me know you got this email.

Ready. Set. Sleep šŸ’¤ šŸ˜“ 

ā€” Michael, Chief SleepHacker 


PS ā€” Iā€™m going to get into more detail about this later, but if youā€™ve been diagnosed with a sleep disorder, the tips I share here may not help. If thatā€™s the case, make sure to follow your doctorā€™s advice. HOWEVER, I will be discussing my research on sleeping pills and how theyā€™re actually REALLY BAD because they make you unconscious instead of putting you to sleep (and thereā€™s a HUGE difference between these, which Iā€™ll get into in the future).
