Modesty and Personal Branding

Feb 03, 2024 11:52 am

Hi There!

Hope you are doing great.

Popping in here to remind you that modesty and personal branding starts in a few hours at exactly 2:00pm WAT time. I am really looking forward to having a discussion with Ruqoyah who runs a modest fashion brand for professionals. Over the years she has consistently built a brand that caters to women and helps them look amazing! It has been tough but she has kept at it and that is admirable!


Today, we will not be discussing her fashion pieces though, we will be moving slightly beyond that. We are focusing instead on the impact that her business has had on her customers over the years and the role it has played in their lives.

There is more…We will also discuss

How much attention needs to be paid to your physical appearance when building a personal brand.

How to stay true to your values and not drown under the pressure of online validation.

The boundaries you need to set to ensure your personal brand aligns with your core beliefs.

How can you measure your impact beyond likes, followers and comments.

To be honest, the last one is my favorite! Especially because I remember Latifah asking me a similar question during the personal branding for agri-business professionals a few weeks ago.

It will be interesting to dig deep into this and attempt to shift people’s perspectives a little.

Join The Session Here

I look forward to seeing you there!

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Rooting For You!

Omodara Adediran

Beyond Your Title
