An invitation + A Gift

Sep 09, 2023 2:50 pm

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatuLlah wa barakaatuh. Trust you're good?

We’re checking in as we see that you haven’t filled out the form. We could really use your insights and are hoping you can spare 5 minutes or even less to fill out this survey.

Click here to fill survey

If you’re facing any issues with the form, kindly reply this mail and I’ll be sure to respond.

Also, we would like to invite you for a virtual discussion regarding Nufaesah's relaunch and will be super honoured to hear your thoughts.

Date Options

1. Saturday, September 16 at 10:30AM

2. September 16 at 12:00 noon

3. or Sunday, September 17 at 2PM.

Please, kindly indicate your preferred day by replying this email.

Gift Voucher

For your incredible support, we will be giving participants of the discussion a special gift Voucher, in shaa Allah.

Don't forget to fill the form, please

JazaakumuLlahu khayran.

Warm regards,

