Feb 17, 2024 7:36 pm


I hope you are ready for next Sunday? It will be an exciting new adventure!

It is an honor that you chose to embark on this empowering journey with me. Your decision to join the second cohort of "Beyond Your Title - A Personal Branding For Impact Course" is one that you will be glad you made.

I am committed to ensuring that this is an enriching and transformative experience for you. I understand that building a personal brand is not just about recognition; it's about creating a brand that will make a difference and that is exactly what I aim to help you achieve!

As we count down to the big day, I wanted to remind you that our classes will commence on Sunday, February 25th, 2024. Mark your calendars and please get ready for an insightful journey.

To help you make the most out of these classes, please go through the following details carefully:

1. Pre-Course Survey: Please fill this out in detail, it will help me gain a clear understanding of your needs, current situation and expectations. It also has a poll for the class timing.

Fill It Out Here

2.Telegram Link: If you haven't joined yet,

Click Here!

to join the Telegram group. This platform is the perfect place to kickstart introductions and networking with your fellow participants.

3.Course Breakdown and Schedule: For your convenience, I have prepared the course breakdown below. Please review it to get a clear understanding of what to expect throughout the course.


What You Should Expect

Apart from the classes, we have some exciting extras lined up for you:

  • Beyond Your Title Workbook: You will receive this comprehensive workbook before the class starts next week. It will not only be a valuable resource during the course but also serve as your personal brand manual, guiding you towards success beyond the classes.

  • Presentation Slide Deck + Recordings: Following each class, I will share the presentation slide deck with you, so you can revise and reinforce the valuable insights gained during the session.

  • Class Buddies: You have to attend class to find out what this is about.

The link to join the class will be sent before class starts next week.

If you have any questions or require any assistance at any point during the course, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am here to support you every step of the way.

You can send an email to or feel free to call me directly on +234 80 8471 9425.

I am glad that you are part of this cohort. Together, we will unleash the true potential of your personal brand!

Rooting For You,

Omodara Adediran,

Beyond The Title Team
