Jan 09, 2024 9:07 pm

Hey There!

Let me gist you about what happened last weekend!

My friend, who is a consultant, shared her dilemma with me: she's uncertain about how to profile her achievements and the work she has done in her industry. She asked, "Dara, will I just be forgotten? After all the work I have done in this industry? Now that investments are finally coming into this industry , how do I build a portfolio to show what I have done? How do I stand out as a professional?"

This is someone I admire for her resilience in her field. You might wonder why.

10 years ago, when there were barely any opportunities in her space, myself and other close relatives thought her efforts were like pouring water into a basket. I kept asking, "Why are you wasting your time?" She just ignored us and instead, focused on doing the foundational work that the industry needs.

Now, as an outstanding consultant in entertainment, she has clients on retainer and people who pay just to get advice from her. I mean, the struggle of moving from free to paid is still there sometimes, but she has made progress.

But, something is missing...

Opportunities are opening up, and she's beginning to worry that 'nobody knows or will recognise her' after ALL the work she's done in that space. The investments coming into her part of the world are not local, and as many of us know, the entertainment industry is now a goldmine, unlike in the past.

Here’s her dilemma: she's rushing to put together a decent profile and trying to build a brand.

This is someone who:

  • Knows her work.
  • Is as authentic as can be.
  • Has strong creative prowess for design.
  • Is innovative.
  • And, most importantly, has a very good track record.

To avoid saying β€œI told you so,” I just sent her the link to 'Beyond Your Title' so we can salvage the situation together. I have to say though, that I am very proud of myself for not being petty.


I know that many of you are in the same situation, with 6, maybe even 10+ years of solid work, in your industry, "best staff of the year" more times in a row, and super qualified in your field. Just like my dear friend, an industry opportunity perfect for you is on the way, and I don’t want you to miss out on it. Here is the link for you too, so I do not have to tell you, I told you so either. 😏😏😏

Click Here!



This week is a roller coaster of events and we are kicking off tomorrow(Wednesday) with a Linkedin live session for finance professionals .This session will explore effective strategies for finance professionals to showcase their expertise, establish thought leadership, and enhance their professional image without compromising sensitive data. It is by 2pm and you can

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Omodara Adediran

Beyond Your Title
