Welcome To The Auditing Team for Beyond Your Title

Jul 26, 2023 9:20 am

Hello There,

Trust you are doing great.

Thank you for agreeing to be an auditor for this course. 

Your careful observation, contributions and feedback will be very helpful in ensuring that this course achieves its desired objectives. 

As a course auditor, you will be required to do the following:

  1. Engagement: Ensure that you contribute during all the sessions when questions are asked or comments are required
  2. Testimonials and Feedback: Provide feedback before course (on expectations) and after every session.
  3. Telegram Group: You will be required to contribute to the Telegram group and help us to achieve its goals of accountability and relevance.
  4. Punctuality: You will ensure that you get to class early for each class. Classes start by 11am on Sunday.
  5. Post-Course Testimonials: You will be invited for a zoom session to discuss your gains from the course and discuss recommendations to future participants. We will also require a testimonial a month after the course to monitor the impact/ effect the course has had on helping you build a personal brand for impact.

Kindly confirm receipt of this email and please advise on whether you require any further clarifications.

Your support in helping Beyond your Title achieve its objectives is well appreciated.

The next email you will receive will have all the course details.

Have a great day.

Omodara Adediran

Beyond Your Title
