Oct 03, 2023 8:54 pm

Good evening,

Trust you are doing amazing! It has been a bit and I am in your inbox with updates and an invitation!

So what has been happening?

  1. We have completed the first Beyond Your Title Yaaay!
  2. We introduced an accountability group and that is done too! Double Yaay!
  3. We updated the FREE taster course with more content and all you need to get your journey started, You can check it out here.
  4. We launched our private program for those who want to embark on the branding journey but prefer something personalised.
  5. We expanded the scope of our rethinking conversations to conversations on leading, branding and impact.

Aaaaannndddd to the best part.. The BYT conversations are back! On Thursday (October 5th,2023) , I will be having a conversation on leading with presence with Wadud Hassan ,mindfulness coach, educator and entrepreneur.


Wadud completed his graduate studies in Leadership and Organizational Performance at the Vanderbilt university, and leadership trainings at Harvard, IDEO, the Neuroscience Academy, and the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, which was born and developed at Google.

Over the years, he has created programs which have been deployed in America and other parts with one focus:Developing Mindful, Emotionally Intelligent, Self-Aware, Purposeful, Productive, and Compassionate leaders.

Join Here!

Why Should You Attend The Session?

He will be providing solutions and giving practical advice on important issues leaders struggle with, including:

  • How to deal with difficult people, situations and manage our emotions.
  • The importance of emotional intelligence in leadership.
  • The impact of being flustered, distracted and burn-out on you and those you lead.
  • How to PAUSE when things get overwhelming at work, home or even school.

Join Here

The techniques I have learnt from Wadud Hassan really helped me to slow down and are still relevant till today! I really do hope you join this session and get to benefit from his fabulous techniques!

Look forward to seeing you there!


Omodara Adediran

Beyond Your Title
