The Talk That Changed Kay's Life

Feb 20, 2024 6:41 pm

‘I will donate to the Artbox project ‘ Kay said. Why? I asked. ‘You are sceptical of most initiatives, why the sudden change of heart?’ I asked. Determined to unravel the truth, I prodded further, and that's when the story unfolded.

Turns out that Kay, like many of us struggled to figure out what he wanted to be when he grew up. He spent days with his mind wandering between different careers, thinking of which to settle for.

This was till he attended a career talk by Mr A, a man whose career he had never heard of. A man who was not a lawyer, doctor, banker, or any of the careers his mind had drifted to.

Plus Mr A looked good! Just like Kay liked to look! He exuded confidence, dressed sharply, and passionately shared his professional journey. By the end of the talk, Kay knew that he wanted to be an adman. This brief encounter left an indelible mark on Kay's life, shaping his career journey forever.

All it took to get Kay on a good career path was one young man who selflessly gave his time to discuss with a bunch of youngsters about to start their lives. Kay never saw this man again, but it didn’t matter, he had made his mark. He had shown that a single person, armed with a compelling personal brand, can have a profound impact on others.

Sometimes we lose interest in speaking engagements because the audience is too small or because there will be no flyer to publicize the event or camera crew to capture our every move. But are these reasons enough to stop us from doing good?

Beyond the images, likes, comments, and shares, there is an opportunity to make a long-lasting impact, just like Mr A did in Kay’s life.

The question is, will you make a difference?

On Sunday, I will welcome a group of individuals in architecture, gaming, oil and gas, finance, construction, agriculture, law, and more to Beyond Your Title. It is a diverse team with a common purpose - to make a difference in their spaces.

In just a few weeks, they will seamlessly transition from:

  • Struggling to craft engaging messaging and impactful posts both online and offline
  • Puzzling over which areas to prioritize in their personal brand development
  • Concerns about staying on top of trends or revealing personal information
  • Navigating the complexities of choosing and optimizing the best platforms

To a point where they effortlessly:

  • Craft original content with unwavering confidence
  • Gain a deep understanding of their target audience for maximum impact
  • Harness the power to reuse their content/messaging as often as they desire
  • Identify and laser-focus on their key areas of expertise

Most importantly, they'll develop personal brands that are not just unique and authentic but have the potential to make a lasting impact – a transform

ative journey that might even surpass the influence Mr A had on Kay.

You can gain these benefits too, you just need to click this link to get started.

Don't miss the opportunity to leave a lasting impact. Beyond Your Title awaits!

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Rooting For You!

Omodara Adediran

Beyond Your Title
