When The Seed Was Planted

Jan 28, 2024 5:22 pm

''You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future."

Wise words from Steve Jobs that resonate with me deeply.

In 2018, I was on a search for meaning beyond just receiving a big paycheck at the end of the month. Despite being an active volunteer, something was still missing. I tried to fill the gap with all sorts but nothing seemed to be working. This was a stubborn gap that refused to close! Till something significant happened, something that made a difference.

It also turned out that I was going to hit a significant age and it really got me thinking. That's when the idea of pledging my birthday to help children in Makoko struck me. I decided that I did not want a trip, a fancy dinner or presents. I just wanted people to donate their skills, time and money.

Together with the good people of Slum2School Africa , we launched The Artbox project. The idea was to teach two hundred and fifty children in the Makoko area core skills and the focus areas were : arts and crafts, painting, pottery, and creative arts.

The next step was to ‘recruit’ professionals across these different fields to spare some hours on a Saturday to teach the kids and open their minds to possibilities beyond their environment. It was an amazing event! Getting individuals together to use their skills, experience and influence to do good.



Reflecting on the event now I am realizing that it did more than that. It also planted a seed. It was a significant step towards my mission of helping people use their personal brands for the greater good.

It showed me that personal branding can be taken a step further, that it can be used for impact.

The question I have for you today is: Will you join me on this journey? Will you create a brand that does more than standout? Will you build a brand that can be used for good?

Start Here


Incase you missed the personal branding session for lawyers with Yetunde Braimoh-Habeebu ACIS you can catchup on it here! We discussed how you can get started on the personal branding journey as a legal professional and the different platforms you can use to get started too.

Watch The Replay Here

Please remember that the early bird discount was extended till February 5th,and it just a few days away. The best time to sign-up for Beyond Your Title is today.

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Omodara Adediran

Beyond Your Title
