Mar 18, 2024 7:58 pm

Hey Everyone,

Hope you are doing amazing!

I trust that Sunday's class has inspired you to start creating impactful content that is relevant to your target audience and industry.

As promised please find below a link to the recordings and slides for the session.


I have included links to the audio and video recordings, so you can access whichever is most convenient for you. The links will also expire in a week, so please make sure you download/watch them before then.

Audio + Video Recording

Passcode: #2=0@y07

The slides can be viewed here:

View Slides Here

Please do not share any of the links/content with people who are not participants in the course.


Below is a recap of the homework for this week which is due on Thursday  (March 21st, 2024) :

Task: Produce a piece of content using any of the formats explained in class and publish it. Kindly ensure that it has the following elements :

  • Relevance to your focus area.
  • Core message/Main theme/key message
  • Relevant data.
  • Relevance to your target audience:

Publish it on any platform you please and share the link in the Telegram group.

2. If you have not turned in the previous assignments, please make sure you do so as well.

Please make sure you send in your assignment early, so I can review it before the next session. Looking forward to your submissions.

If you have any questions or require any assistance at any point during the course, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can either send an email to or call me Omodara directly at +234 80 8471 9425

Rooting For You!

Omodara Adediran

Beyond Your Title 
