Haven't Done NADA

Sep 07, 2023 11:48 am

So I'm going to be really honest here, I've not created ANY post since we wrapped up our last session. I've not done one LinkedIn post, I deleted Instagram altogether and my Substack has just been sit pretty.

Crazy because just like you ,I feel like I went through the course as well .I reviewed my intentions, jotted down some points on how to improve content and even signed up for one platform where I can contribute( again..) I did all this but I just can't find the headspace to 'post' anything.

 I can't say I'm very bothered though and this isn't just because I can be a non-conformist. It is because I realize that with the path I've chosen. I don't need to be bothered about likes ,ever-changing algorithms the FOMO to keep up with trends or any other social measure for what a personal brand needs to keep up with...

So what have I been doing, you may ask?

  1. I've been creating daily ( We discussed this in module 4 remember? when we spoke about frequency). I have drafts upon drafts! Everywhere ideas!
  2. I've drafted 2 headings for a column I'm working on..
  3. I have topped up my supply with an autobiography ( You know the Ben Carson's post in the Telegram group? Yeah that is where it came from)
  4. I've 'released' Titles and titles on my Evernote ( That app has suffered in my hands)
  5. I've read a few LinkedIn posts, 'smh-ed' a few and saved a couple.
  6. Oh and look there is this email, I am sending to you too!

What is my point?

You won't always be in posting mode and that's okay. You're under no obligation to put yourself through what you can't handle, nor do you have to keep up appearances...

 Keep learning, keep doing the work ,keep researching, keep impacting lives and doing the amazing work that you do, because that is what comes first and that's what matters. When you're up to it, then you can tell the world.

P.S If you need a buddy or two and expert eyes to help this brand you're trying to build..Our accountability sessions are still open ,Same time on Sundays by 11am..Here's the link to register.

Click Here!

P. S after P.S: If you've not filled the feedback form, please do so here.

Fill The Feedback Form Here

Rooting for you!


Omodara Adediran

Beyond Your Title
