How My Career As An Influencer Ended Before It Started

Feb 01, 2024 10:20 pm

Haters will say I am not an introvert, but I am ignoring them today, after all it is ‘my introversion’ and not theirs🤣🤣🤣. Believe it or not, I am actually an introverted extrovert. I know that it is called an ambivert , but I like to spell it out this way so people appreciate the introvert in there.

Depending on my mood and sometimes the weather , I can be the life of the party, the loudest in the room , the conversation starter and cheerleader. On the flipside, I can also be the one who never makes it to a hangout and a not-so-proud owner of a long list of people to apologize to. It is an interesting life to live I tell you , but one thing is for sure, I lean more towards my introverted side because of how it aligns with my core values.

Another thing you need to know about me , is that I hold my values very dear and every time I go against them, I regret it. Stay with me, you will find out in a bit, why all this is important.

You see in 2019, I passed my boundary o! I really leaned into what people had helped me to define as my ‘winning side’ and decided to become an influencer of sorts…The bad old days! The idea was something around creating communications videos for entrepreneurs. Before I go on, you also need to know that I am also pretty shy and still cringe when I watch my own videos.. So awkward!

Anyway, in 2019 , I was told that I would make a great Instagrammer and that my bubbly personality will draw people to my content, hmmm… that is how I started recording videos like no man’s business! Hosting webinars like no tomorrow, cracking people up on the gram! I still remember the comments section that year, you could tell how entertained people were and to be fair, they did find the content beneficial.


For me though, something just did not feel right.

Yes, I did get a boost every time a comment came in or when people joined a session, but I was drained! It was bad.. I was sick of the attention, exhausted by having to engage with people I didn’t know and uncomfortable with every video I had to shoot. I still have terrible memories of having to sit in a messy cake of foundation and sweat in what looks liked chocolate mud all the time.


It was no surprise that I lasted less than 2 years and suffered from what I believe was a ‘value misalignment burnout’.

After running away from the ‘gram for a bit, I had time to reflect and rethink on the best use of the extrovert in me. This is what it looks like now.

I still record videos but only when I believe that it will be beneficial to others.

I apply whatever humor that people say I have, to convincing people without offending them (I hope) that their personal brands have a lot more potential for impact than they realize.

I am the life of the party in class where I teach with a clear intention to help people use their personal brands to make a difference.

I cheer and support the people who embark on this journey with me.

I also crack my guests up during our live sessions and help them feel comfortable.

I respond to comments and questions from people at my own pace.

You see, developing a personal brand can be tricky and it is so easy to get pulled in different directions with the promise of fame and fortune. There will be countless opinions on who you should be, how to express yourself, and the ideal 'positioning' for you.

In the midst of all this, it is easy to lose sight of your authentic self and the values that matter most. I have been there and it is why my course Beyond Your Title starts with a personal assessment and comes with a Personal Brand Manual – a compass to keep you on track and aligned on the wobbly days.

Listen to the impact it had on Ruqoyah , a previous course participant here.


This Saturday, I will be discussing with Ruqoyah the creative director of Pearls by Ray on modesty and personal branding. Ruqoyah runs a modest fashion brand and has done a lot of great work in helping women look amazing! My main intention for the session is to show people a different approach to personal branding and save them from falling into the trap of 2019 me.

It will be great to see you there! Please share the flyer and this link with professionals and entrepreneurs who may find it beneficial.

Join The Session Here

Today is the 1st of February, what that means is, the early bird discount ends in 4 days! How do you make sure that you do not miss out on it?

  1. By registering right now
  2. By taking advantage of the payment plan and paying an installment.
  3. If your salary just hit your account though (I know it has) , this is the time to invest in yourself and sign up. Whatever the case may be, don’t procrastinate o!

Sign-up and get:

  • Weekly Classes: Access to weekly (4) live classes.
  • Personal brand manual
  • Access to Telegram Group with professionals and entrepreneurs.
  • Group/coaching /Accountability session
  • Access to future cohorts (Based on availability)
  • Life-time Access to course content

What are you waiting for?

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Binge on our free videos that change the way you think about personal branding on Youtube

Rooting For You!

Omodara Adediran

Beyond Your Title
