Apr 14, 2024 2:41 pm

Hey Everyone,

Hope you are doing amazing!

Welcome BACK from the very long break!

I hope that everyone has now caught up on all the previous recordings and assignments. Please read this email till the very end as it includes the next steps for the course.

Recordings +Slides For Module 4

Thank you for your patience regarding the materials for the final session.

As promised please find below a link to the recordings and slides for the session.


I have included links to the audio and video recordings, so you can access whichever is most convenient for you. The links will also expire in a week, so please make sure you download/watch them before then.

Audio + Video Recording

Passcode: ^WUD==7$

The slides can be viewed here:

View Slides Here

Please do not share any of the links/content with people who are not participants in the course.

Final Homework

Please it is super important for you to catch up on the previous recordings, if you have not.

Below is the final homework before the accountability sessions begin and it is due on Friday  (April 19th, 2024) :

Task: Choose an article or post that you have already written, using the guidelines of how to repurpose content:

  • List 3 content formats that it can be turned into.
  • Choose one of the content formats and produce a full content piece from it.
  • The content format can be long-form (Article/podcast episode/presentation/speech) or short-form (Posts, Notes, voice notes)

Share the link to the post in the Telegram group.

Please make sure you send in your assignment early, so I can review it before the accountability sessions begin. Looking forward to your submissions.

Accountability Sessions

A link will be sent to those who signed up for the accountability sessions and it will run for 4 extra weeks on Telegram. This is the part where you execute the work learned during the course, so you REALLY need to catch up if you have not. I will be here to support and review the work you do.

If you did not, sign up for the accountability sessions and would still like to do so, please respond to this email and I will provide the information you need to do so.

Feedback Form

I had a great time reaching this course and I trust you found it beneficial as well! Please fill out this feedback form so I can keep making the course better.

Feedback Form

If you have any questions or require any assistance at any point during the course, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can either send an email to or call me Omodara directly at +234 80 8471 9425

Rooting For You!

Omodara Adediran

Beyond Your Title 
