Personal Branding For Agri-Business Owners and Professionals

Jan 16, 2024 9:30 pm


Hey There,

Hope you are doing amazing!

If you are wondering, whether I am determined to cover as many industries as possible before Beyond Your Title launches, then you guessed right! This personal branding for impact is not restricted to one industry please.

This week we are moving to the agricultural sector. I truly enjoy speaking with professionals in this space. Well, that is till they starting telling me the things that I do not like hearing, like food safety and how some of our food is stored. Thanks to these experts, I am a lot more conscious of what I consume and also a serial worrier. This is me, before I buy anything now:


This Thursday, I will be speaking with Latifah Aitse Lawal, an agri-business professional , on her interest in this space, the importance of ethics and integrity and the need for personal branding for professionals like her. We need to know what these people know please, the knowledge and information they have needs to be shared for our own good.

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Back to Latifah , she has operated in different roles across banking, operations, customer service, marketing, and now she is focused on agribusiness. She currently develops sustainable and integrated Livestock business models/frameworks that help achieve profitability . One of such is a product paper that attracted a $1.52 Million credit line from a financial institution for Small Holder Livestock farmers. She also provides advisory services to agribusinesses.

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I am also interested in her role in structuring and managing an Integrated Livestock Project (a team of 58) which is aimed at addressing the recurrent farmer-herder crises in the North-Eastern part of Nigeria.

There is more o! But let me stop here. Come with your questions! I am excited about this one. Did I say that the last time?


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Rooting For You!

Omodara Adediran

Beyond Your Title.
