Should You Take A Dump Anywhere?

Jan 13, 2024 5:46 pm

The answer is YES! On paper, in a train on the road, please just take a dump when you need to, at least, that is what I do.

Before my egbons (older ones) remind me of my home training now, let me just clarify that I'm referring to a brain dump.

A brain dump is a freewriting session where you unload anything on your mind onto a blank page. This may include anxieties, items on your to-do list, future planning, nagging decisions, work deadlines, and emotions. The idea is that by getting these running thoughts out of your head and onto the page, you will experience some freedom from the stress they often induce


Need an idea for your new article?

Want to get published in a journal?

Searching for ideas for your podcast episode?

The solution lies in frequent brain dumps. I dump everywhere , Evernote has suffered in my hands ah! So has my private WhatsApp where I keep sending messages to myself. Then as for my journals, poor things, I have  dumped all over them with no mercy.

What are the benefits of frequent brain dumps?

  1. Clarity:  Externalizing your thoughts helps you see them more clearly, making it easier to identify patterns, connections, and potential solutions. This could be you if you engage in frequent brain dumps.
  2. Creativity: You see that idea you have been searching for , brain dumps can help you find it. By letting your thoughts flow freely, you may stumble upon the best ideas!
  3. Documentation: Brain dumps serve as a record of your thoughts at a particular moment. They can be a valuable resource for future reference or for producing the kind of original content , I encourage you to produce at Beyond your Title.(Click the title to register)
  4. Memory Offloading: Your brain is full ooooo! Help it! Just like freeing up space on your device, brain dumps help you offload mental information, making room for new thoughts and ideas.

Taking frequent brain dumps in my opinion is the single most important activity to creating great work.

But there is more, brain dumps also have incredible mental health benefits too:

A 2018 trial published in JMIR Mental Health looked at the effects of engaging in an online positive affect journaling (PAJ) routine among adults who lived with mental health challenges, including anxiety. The intervention group engaged in a journaling session 3 times a week for 15 minutes over a 12 week period. The researchers found that journaling participants showed decreased anxiety and stress, along with increased resilience and social skills, as compared to participants who didn’t journal.6

Please do not ask if journaling and brain dumping are the same thing o! Eh hen!


Why Am I On About Brain Dumps This Saturday Evening?

It is because I know how creating/writing/producing can be a hassle for a busy person like you and I know that engaging in frequent brain dump is the solution. Well at least one of them Beyond Your Title has the rest.

When I reflect on how I'm able to write somewhat  consistently, with everything else I have going on, the answer lies in frequent brain dumps. My brain dumps have gone on to become articles, speeches, courses and sometimes NOTHING because my chicken scrawl writing can be hard to understand. Ki Olohun shanu (Yoruba for may God have mercy!)

How do you start? Simple, get a piece of paper and just write EVERYTHING that is in your head for 5- 10 minutes or more.

How often do you need to take one you may wonder? As soon as you need to go! I am inviting you to engage in frequent brain dumps and I will LOVE to hear from you on how it goes!

I hope you are doing great? Hello there! I could not write this in the beginning because it ruined the opening 😂😂😂. Please don't be angry.


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Beyond Your Title
