Aug 22, 2023 5:29 pm

Hey There!

Hope your week has started off great.

We have finally come to the end of of our sessions, which is a little sad, but for you this is just the beginning.

Please read this email to the end.

Quick recap: On Sunday, we explored different platforms that support the for the content formats we discussed in module 3.

We learnt the following:

  1. How to identify the best content platforms for you.
  2. How to apply Smart strategies for content creation(Creation , Contribution and repurposing) to each of these platforms.
  3. How to maintain consistency by learning what is required daily, weekly and monthly.
  4. Case studies of how to repurpose content.

Module 4 is a template for you to literally pick up and execute. It takes the stress off creation and simplifies all you have learnt so far. I highly encourage you to go through it in detail and get to work! if you are struggling with consistency or do not have the energy for all the things you have heard is required to maintain your brand presence, this one is for you!

If you could not attend the session, please make sure you catch-up and if you attended, it is time to get started on your homework.

Next Steps

As we know, knowledge without action is entertainment, so to get the real value of this course , you have to apply all you have learnt. If there is one thing I have realized though, you need support. Let us face it, the first month, may require some help and I am happy to offer it!

I also recognize that you may still struggle with finding the time , identifying the right things to say, choosing what part of you want to project or even the best platform to use. I get it and that is why I am inviting you to come on a accountability journey with me.

For 4 weeks, I will support you to move from knowledge to action and make sure that the 6 hours + that you have spent learning does not go to waste.

I am tempted to add an action movie soundtrack, but I will behave.

Join Me For For 4 Weeks and Get..

  • Weekly Group Coaching/accountability sessions
  • Support in identifying and setting up your main channel for your brand.
  • Help to choose the best content formats for you.
  • Support and supervision for one month of consistent creation on your selected channel(s).
  • Review and advice on your personal brand manual.

Sign Up Here

Plus, here comes the freebies....

  • Free session to design your profile.(Say bye bye to scrambling to put something together when you are called to speak)
  • Free resources on smart content creation.
  • Curated content to support your journey.
  • Advice from a communications professional who has over 10 years experience working with different communication platforms, reviewing different creative projects, Inspiring chasing people to put in the best work and building brands.
  • Your personal cheerleader.


Original Cost: N70,000

As per day one status, you get a whooping discount and pay N55,000.

Plus you can pay in installments.

Join Today

When Do We Start?

2nd of September , 2023

Module 4 Replay and Presentation Slides

Module 4 Slides

📹 Zoom Recording for Module4

Watch Here

 Passcode: yQE@?4xV

Homework(Yes, you still have homework)

Task: Choose an article or post that you have already written, using the guidelines of how to repurpose content:

  • List 3 content formats that it can be turned into.
  • Choose one of the content formats and produce a full content piece from it.
  • The content format can be long-form (Article/podcast episode/presentation/speech) or short-form (Posts, Note, voice note)

Once you are done, please share the link to the post in the Telegram group. I cannot wait to see what you come up with!

Due Date: Friday August 25th,2023

Please make sure you send it in early.

If you have any issues, questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Cheering you on and rooting for you!


Omodara Adediran

Beyond Your Title
