Success Stories From Beyond Your Title

Feb 06, 2024 9:34 pm

Early bird discount ends today actually it ended yesterday, but you see I was too exhausted to type an email. So let us just pretend that it ends today and you have one more chance to get 15% off to join a group of professionals and entrepreneurs in building a personal brand that is as original as it can be, stands the test of time and and most importantly, is impactful.

What are you waiting for? Sign up here.

I also believe that today is a good to show you the benefits of this course through the journeys of our previous cohort.

Launching A Pending Book Project

Let us start with Tosin, communications professional, baker and, arts and crafts junkie and wait for it….


Now, writer! Before Tosin joined this course, she wondered how to showcase the many sides to her, she not only gained the clarity than she needed but gained the confidence she needed to launch her first book on Amazon! I feel like a proud momma! You can check it out here.


Making An Impact Beyond Your Day Job

Next up is Ayotunde, she was one that showed me how relevant this course is to finance professionals. It also brought me such joy to know that she joined to learn how she could impact others positively! She launched a cleaning project to encourage people to give back to the society through mosque clean-ups ! She is also cooking not just one but two solid ideas to impact the lives of others.

Repurposing The Personal Brand Manual As A CV

Then there is Mazeedah, she was the youngest in the last cohort and was fresh out of school. I kept wondering if this course would be of any use to her but her testimonial came in the most interesting way! She applied for a role in an organization and decided to repurpose the profile section of her personal brand manual into a CV. Pleased to announce that she got the role she was applying for! Not just that, she also launched her own book club and a Youtube channel too!

These are just some of the success stories that came from the course but it is very important to mention that these people, put in the work. They attended every class, implemented the learnings and went a step further too. I will gist you about the rest as time goes on. I do not want to say this course is awesome because I created it, but it really is!

I will leave you with a message from Aishah, a coach and storyteller:

It was all important. When I was done with module 1, I called Dara and said, even Module 1 alone was Worth the price of the course so...every aspect of the course was well thought out.

Sign-up and learn how to:

  • Develop a personal brand that is aligned with the values you hold dear.
  • Create original content that you can repurpose to meet different needs.
  • Create a schedule that is stress-free and fits into your existing commitments.
  • Make a difference in your industry.
  • Start/ What to ‘share’ and the best platforms for you.

Click Here To Get Started

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Rooting For You!

Omodara Adediran

Beyond Your Title
