Feb 23, 2024 9:15 pm

Hey There!

Trust you wrapped up your week on a great note.

I was ready and super excited for class on Sunday, only to find out that my throat had different plans.  I was all geared up to ‘rough it’ and manage,  but my voice decided to go on vacation without me. 🤷‍♂️ Right now, I'm in between croaking and whispering – a mess, I tell you! I am barely audible!

I apologize if this ruins your schedule for the weekend. Fingers crossed I'll be back in full volume before next week on Sunday(March 3rd, 2024). I have however lined up a few things for you before then:

Pre-Course Survey: If you have not filled it out this is your last chance to do so.

Fill It Out Here

Are you a giver or a taker?: This is one of our class videos, please watch it and then also take the test here. It will provide a good foundation for the journey you are about to embark on.

Watch Video Here

Take Test Here

Introductions In The Telegram Group: We will kick off our introductions in the Telegram group this weekend, so if you have not joined, this is the time to do so. Remember that meeting new people who share the same goals as you is a core part of this course and it starts with your active participation in the group.

Click Here!

Thank you for understanding, and I can't wait to see you next week Sunday (March 3rd, 2024)

Rooting For You,

Omodara Adediran,

Beyond The Title Team
