Welcome to DATA CENTER FORUM - 25 Feb 24 Meet - PROPOSED Support Categorizing of attendees

Mar 09, 2024 7:08 am




It was wonderful & encouraging to see the large turnout of our Asset Owners & Channel Partners at our meet on 25 Feb 24.

It is certainly our responsibility to share our experience and methodology from starting & scaling up this biz in a organized, structured, simple and easily to implement manner. A system has been created to implement this activity.

Few of the aspirants were not in a position to attend the Forum meet & few were not able to submit the Google Form dt 25 Feb 24. The link to the Form is appended for submission. Participants who have filled up the form may also refill it if their perception has changed after the meet of 25 Feb 24


Based on your inputs in the Google Form dt 25 Feb 24 & the Opt-ins received, the forum members have been categorized into the 3 support system groups.


Note: Mr Sunil Shukla has not been sent this communication as his contact details are not available.

You may choose to shift your category based on your comfort & commitment. Google form dt 25 Feb 24 & Opt-ins mandatory, as it is important to understand your situation and from what level the support is required.

Kind Regards

Cdr Prakash Thanwani (Retd)(IN)
