
#12 Days of New Year Live More In 2024 Event &

Word Of The Month Higher Consciousness Group



Easily & Effortlessly in the First 12 days of January.


Jumpstart your New Year by joining in this enlivening 12-day event, then keep the energy flowing with Word of the Month Higher Consciousness Group Activities.

This FREE Twelve Day Ritual Starts 2024 The Way You Want It to Turn Out.

  • Intuitively Choose a Power Word for each Month & Allow It To Initiate A New Ability, Energy, or Habit If You Desire.
  • Increase Synchronicities in Your Life.
  • Lay New Neural Pathways & Establish Cell Memory to Easily Retrieve New Behaviors.
  • Let Go of Expectations & Stop "Shoulding" On Yourself. You Don’t Have to Make New Year's Resolutions.   
  • Enhance Your Experience & 'Follow-Thru-Ability' in a Highly Conscious Community.

Complete the #12 Days Event & Then Actively Call in the Energy of Your Words Each Month in the Group.  

Sign Up Now on the Form Below

Begin by intuitively selecting a power word each day for every month of the year. On January 1, pick a word for January. Pick February's word on January 2nd, October's word on January 10th etc. I'll be doing guided visualizations to help you select your words on Facebook Lives the first few days and then occasionally on Watch that page for more deets.

As you go thru each day, imagine it's the actual month and live your word. Ask yourself. "How can I make what I’m doing more (insert your word)?" Watch for your word to show up unexpectedly.

Why do it every day? When you choose and incorporate your words into the chosen day, your intention is activated and highlighted and the universe responds accordingly by starting the energy flowing even before you reach the month your word is your focal point!

By January 12th, you will have a powerful storyline for your year. Discover your ability to script a new story and initiate those words in your life. It will work with your emotions and deep unconscious to create a new trajectory for your life — one that is more fulfilling and joyful — with far fewer limitations.

Past year’s participants were surprised by the synchronicities and delighted with how perfectly the word suited what was happening in their lives that month.

If you'd like a hand choosing your words, I developed a guide that offers several ways intuitively and more logically. You can get "How to Choose Your Word Of The Month: A Seven-Step Intuitive Ritual for the Spiritually Savvy" when you sign up for the free Word of the Month Event on the form below.


When you sign up below for the Word of the Month Event you'll be invited to

Join Our Private Facebook Group

Gain momentum, Enhance your outcomes, and Boost your results within the powerful, aligned collaborative whose members love EnergiZing!

  • Actively Call in the Energy of Your Words each Month.  
  • Craft the Year You'll Relish by Focusing on One Power Word per Month.
  • Tune into Your Higher Vibing Inner Knowing, More and More.
  • Lay New Neural Pathways & Establish Cell Memory to Easily Retrieve New Behaviors.
  • Enhance Your Experience and Follow-ThruAbility in a Highly Conscious Community.

Why Join the Word Of The Month Higher Consciousness Group?

  • Save Time and Brain Strain of finding or remembering your word by getting a personal reminder of your word each month.
  • Easily Connect, Activate your Word, and Be Inspired (Tune "in the spirit of" your word) during a Facebook Live call on the first day of each month.
  • Increase Positive Focus on your Desired Life when you share drawings, quotes, or representations of your words and any synchronicities, successes, and insights in the private group and feel the energy we send your creation while enjoying your contribution.
  • Increase Your Vibes - Connect with Like-minded, Caring women who are Authentically Exuberant about Your Word on a mid-month zoom call. We will focus on your word, zing it up exponentially, and contemplate our words in a silent, shared high vibeing circle. This soul-stirring high frequency interaction is the signature aspect of this Original Word of the Month Program.
  • Have more Fun and Create more Powerfully in Circle Energy where you get to know your Like-Minded, Higher Conscious "Peeps."  

Keep the energy flowing with Word of the Month Higher Consciousness

Facebook Group Activities!

Sign up on the form below for the free #12 Days of New Years Word of the Month Event from January 1 to 13 and get

"How to Choose Your Word Of The Month: A Seven-Step Intuitive Ritual for the Wonderous WordLover"

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