Weekly Posts from The Horror Tree for 11/19/2021

Nov 20, 2021 4:46 am


Word of the week: Schiztic – of, like or pertaining to or marked by splitting.

Hello, readers! Can you believe that next week is Thanksgiving already? I’m already staring to hear Christmas music in retail stores and see Christmas decorations around town. I feel like Jack Skellington in Christmas Town, where I’m slightly fascinated by all this, yet still spooky. I hope those of you doing NaMoWriMo are still going strong. 

As always, you can find me (Holley) lurking on Twitter @HLCornetto. Here are the latest articles on writing from around the web.



This month we're being sponsored by Were Tales which includes some amazing authors (including some who write for and frequent Horror Tree) so you should pick up a copy today!

Horror Tree / Trembling With Fear Update (This section updated by your fearless editor and chief, Stuart C.!):

We've had multiple weeks of SendFox giving us trouble. In theory, this is resolved this week. If not, we'll be switching back to Mailchimp. So. Newsletter sponsors would be greatly appreciated!

With the success of drabbles in our Trembling With Fear releases, we're looking to be expanding on our ability to share drabbles. Keep your eyes peeled for a new opportunity coming soon. We'll also be looking for an editor with Wordpress experience to help out here.


Another great set of articles from around the web! I'm a fan of the WD article under Craft myself though all of these were great!


Literary Hub: What Does it Mean to Find Your Poetic Voice?

Helping Writers Become Authors: The Two Halves of the First Plot Point

Writer’s Digest: Jayne Castle’s 3 Rules of Worldbuilding


diy MFA: Kindle Vella: Serial Publishing & How to Get Started


Free Fiction Roundup:

I’m delighted to share this week’s fiction with you. I’ve found some excellent stories this week, and I hope you enjoy them. First on my list is “Treedom,” by A. J. Cunder. I was immediately drawn in by the premise of this story and the use of themes of difference, fitting in, and acceptance were well done. Shannon Fay’s “The Red Queen” appeared in Daily Science Fiction. This story is like a fairy tale with bite. It was a delightful piece to read along with my morning coffee.

“Autumnal Equinox” by Nikki R. Leigh drew me in with the creative use of imagery. The choice of words in this story, especially in the opening paragraphs, make the reader feel as if reading a poem, or the lyrics of a song. Armon Mikal’s “Runner” is a cyberpunk adventure romp. This story is a straight-shot of pulpy goodness, and a heck of a lot of fun. 

Now, on to the fiction:

Treedom” by A. J. Cunder. Metaphorosis.

The Red Queen” by Shannon Fay. Daily Science Fiction.

Autumnal Equinox” by Nikki R. Leigh. Dread Stone Press.

Runner” by Armon Mikal. Hyphen Punk.

If you post any writing content during the week and think it would be a good fit for us to feature, do reach out and let us know at contact@horrortree.com

Thank you Patreons! As always, the site's lifeblood is in your hands and we truly appreciate your support. 

Looking To Help Horror Tree?

Here are the main things we're looking for:

- Advertising and either Site or Contest sponsorships! 

- Article writers (articles, interviews, reviews, crowdsource compilations, etc.) 

- Sharing guest posts with us or reaching out for us to be a blog tour host. 

- The obvious one here is also to become one of our Patreons!

If you're interested in contributing and think you have something that would help out PLEASE don't shy away from contacting us! (contact@horrortree.com)

Top Articles Of The Week Excerpts:


5 Tips for Publishing Your Own Book Did you ever imagine ideas for a blockbuster novel?

Did you plot out character sketches; divide the plot into three acts with five turning points each, and used pathos to create a mental image of your protagonist’s best friend or wardrobe or car that will later be revealed to be garish.

 If you have gotten to that point then, you are no amateur writer.

Most of us have done this before we set out on actually putting pen to paper (or finger to key).

The next logical step for these dedicated writers is to try and get their books published.

This sounds pretty simple, but then, it isn’t.

 You can send your manuscript to agents or publishing houses, but the chances of them accepting unsolicited manuscripts are very slim indeed—most probably won’t even reply at all....

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🗒️ Taking Submissions: Samhain Sorceries


Deadline: February 1st, 2022 Payment: One cent per word and a contributors copy Theme: Sword-and-sorcery stories where Samhain/Halloween is relevant to the plot On October 31, 2021, DMR Books will reopen for submissions once again for a themed anthology tentatively entitled Samhain Sorceries.

The concept for this book will be sword-and-sorcery stories where Samhain/Halloween is relevant to the plot.

For clarification, sword-and-sorcery is a genre that combines swashbuckling adventure with supernatural elements (usually of a horrific nature) in a pre-industrial setting.

Unlike most S&S stories, which are set in an invented world like Hyperborea or Nehwon, the tales in Samhain Sorceries should take place in the British Isles.

Any time period is suitable, as long as it’s pre-industrial....

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🗒️ Contest: Micro Madness For December 2021 (Early Listing)


Submission Window: December 1st-7th, 2021 Prizes: 1st place: $100, 2nd place: $50, 3rd place: $25 Theme: cosmic horror, dark science fiction, or weird Submissions will be ongoing and open the first week of every month for that month’s contest.

THREE stories will be chosen per month to be published the month after they were submitted.

(If you submit a story on October 3rd and it is chosen, it will be published in November.

) Submissions are open monthly from the 1st to the 7th.

Submission close at 12 am (midnight) eastern standard time.

One entry per writer per month please!

No simultaneous submissions....

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🗒️ Black Friday 2021: ProWritingAid


As a disclosure, this post contains affiliate links.

If you purchase something through the links in this article we may receive a small commission or referral fee.

This happens without any additional cost to you.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is that time of year when you can save 50% on one of the best writing products on the market.

Once again, for Black Friday 2021, ProWritingAid is giving you their best discount of the year....

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🗒️ 2021 Gift Guide For Authors


What To Buy A Writer?

Ladies and gentlemen, the holiday season is upon us.

It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year’s Eve, Festivus, or any other holiday with the author in your life, you still might be trying to figure out what to get them.

Well, we’ve got a fun list of ideas that are a bit off the beaten path.

I’m trying not to overdo it with books (though I do have one on the list!

) or standard writing materials because, let’s face it, most of us have enough of that....

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🗒️ Taking Submissions: A Fistful of Demons


Deadline: January 31st, 2021 Payment: $25 per thousand words Theme: Weird westerns set in the world of ‘The Widow’s Son’ (a link to details below for those who haven’t read it.

Malahas Press will be publishing a Weird West/Western Horror anthology of short fiction titled A Fistful of Demons from both debut and established authors in the Fall of 2022.We are based in the US, and welcome submissions from around the world.

If you’re interested in submitting a short story to A Fistful of Demons, please read the following guidelines.

Note that there is no submission fee for this anthology....

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🗒️ Taking Submissions: Nerve-Janglers: Thirteen Tales of Terror


Deadline: February 28th, 2022 Payment: £25 Theme: All forms of horror, ideally stories that take place outside of suburban America We are now officially open for submissions to our second anthology and our first young adult horror anthology, titled Nerve-Janglers: Thirteen Tales of Terror.

We will be seeking horror fiction of all forms and flavours, all sub-genres and themes, that specifically fall into the category of teen-grade young adult fiction.

These will be published as part of a new and ongoing YA horror imprint from Night Terror Novels Publishing, titled Nerve-Janglers.

Our cover art will be finalised and uploaded to this page in the near future.

If this has piqued your interest, please scroll down for the full details!...

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🗒️ How To Write a Horror Story in 5 Steps


How To Write a Horror Story in 5 Steps Are you an aspiring writer aiming to achieve success in the literary world of modern times?

If yes, perhaps one of the genres you want to explore is horror stories.


Simply because what is unnatural and shocking affects human emotions more intensely than anything else.

This article will serve as a guide to writing a horror story in 5 simple steps.

  Read More Horror Stories Reading as many horror stories as you can give you a better understanding of what a horror story looks like....

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🗒️ Taking Submissions: Cosmic Roots And Eldritch Shores December 2021- EARLY


Submission Window: December 1st-2nd, 2021 Payment: 8 cents per word for original, 2 cents for reprints Theme: Well written original work in science fiction, fantasy, myth, legend, fairy tales, and eldritch, in written, podcast, video, and/or graphic story form, and from around the world.

Note: Reprints welcome  Submissions Schedule We have a new submissions schedule as of June 1, 2020: The first and second day of every month, 12 am of the 1st to 12 am of the 3rd, E.



Only one submission per person.

For reading impaired individuals, our submissions manager and ‘forget password’ have a captcha compatible with screen readers.

We pay 6¢ per word for new fiction, 2¢ per word for fiction reprints, 2 – 6¢ per word for new fact-based work, 1- 4¢ per word for reprinted fact articles....

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Horror Tree
