63 Day Utility Disconnection Exemption For Critical Illness
May 03, 2021 6:20 pm
63 Day Utility Disconnection Exemption For Critical Illness
I've always heard that individuals with a critical medical condition (an oxygen tank for example) could receive some type of assistance if they were on the verge of having their utilities shut off.
I wasn't exactly sure how the process worked, but last week I did some digging...
some googling...
and calling to find out.
According to the Public Utility Commission of Texas (which regulates business practices and laws related to water, sewer, and utility companies in Texas) if you have a critical illness that requires you to have electricity you can apply for a 63-day exemption from having your utilities disconnected.
To receive this 63-day exemption you or a client would need to have a doctor submit a written statement to your utility company and the Public Utility Commission of Texas verifying that there is a medically necessary need for utilities.
I had never heard of the 63-day exemption so I even called PUCT to verify this and sure enough, this was the rule. The only caveat according to the operator was that PUCT only could mandate the 63-day exemption on commercial utility companies. If it were a city utility company, they could not force the 63-day exemption, but the operator stated that most municipalities go along with the rule if the customer can produce the required documents from their doctor.
You can read more about this rule in this week's community resource titled How To Avoid A Disconnection: 63 Day Exemption For People With Critical Medical Needs. In it, I explain more about this rule and provide a link to the "Chronic Condition or Critical Care" form which is needed to qualify for the utility disconnection exemption.
Have a good one!
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