COVID 19 Vaccine Open To All Adults

Mar 29, 2021 6:16 pm


COVID 19 Vaccine Open To All Adults

Starting today (March 29th) the COVID vaccine will be available to all adults in Texas. According to Texas Health and Human Services, this means Texans ages 16 and older will now be able to get the vaccine.


While the vaccine is being made available to more people, seniors, and people with chronic conditions will continue to be a higher priority.

To get a vaccine you can go through your primary care doctor or one of the local vaccine hubs in Houston:

This weekend I took a family member to a vaccine hub and we were in and out in about 30 minutes total. This includes the 15 minutes that you have to wait to make sure there are no side effects so it was smooth sailing for us.

7 Computer Issues That You Can Fix Without Bothering Your IT Guy

I once called the IT Department to help fix my wireless keyboard that suddenly stopped working.

The problem you ask?

No batteries.


Anyway here are 7 common computer issues and solutions that may help you to avoid wasting your IT department's time like I did. You can find them in the latest article called 7 Computer Issues That You Can Fix Without Calling The ID Department.

Have a great week!


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