how to find child car seats + medicare mastery

Nov 07, 2023 6:40 pm


Nick Bryant from Houston Case Managers, reporting back for duty after a newsletter vacation!

Yeah I took a little breather, so apologies for the radio silence, but life has been a whirlwind of '2 under 2' parenting, working a full-time job, and following Astros playoff games (congrats or whatever to you Texas Rangers).

But enough about me...

There are 2 great resources I want to share and a training that will be an absolute game changer for anyone who wants to learn how to navigate the community resources scene in Houston.

Let's dive in!

Finding Free Car Seats in Houston

Car seats are essential for child safety, but let's face it, they can also be quite expensive, making the prospect daunting.

However, if you or a client in Houston need a free car seat, there are several avenues you can explore. Places like Catholic Charities, Buy Nothing Groups, and the Texas Health and Human Services Safe Riders Program are great starting points.

Here's a tip I recently discovered...

Target offers significant discounts for trading in any car seat.

Yes, any!

We even traded in one with cut straps, and Target still offered us a discount! While they won't offer the discounts again until April 2024, it's still an option to consider if you or someone else needs a baby seat on a budget.

For your convenience, I've compiled a detailed list of these resources, the same one I provided to a client this week. You can find it in the link below.

Free Car Seats in Houston

Bring Your Medicare Questions To Me!

During my little 'vacation' from the newsletter, I also became licensed to offer insurance plans, specifically Medicare plans.

What does this mean?

Well, if you or any clients have questions regarding Medicare, whether it's wondering when to enroll?

Or which is best, Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement?

I'm able to help you in that regard.

With AEP (or Annual Enrollment Period) running until December 7th, you're likely being blitzed with commercials from people like NFL Hall of Famer Joe Namath and may have questions.

Beyond the commercials: What business owners and employees need to know  about Medicare - Augusta Business Daily

The aspects of Medicare aren't hard to understand, but all the different scenarios that influence which plan someone should consider can be very confusing.

The bottom line is if you come across any Medicare questions or scenarios that you just can figure out, contact me because I more than happy to help.

Just visit and you can either schedule an appointment or give me a quick call.

Coming Soon: Houston Case Managers Academy

Last but not least, I've finally completed the last modules of the Houston Case Managers Academy.

It is an online course jam-packed with about 150+ modules that help you or your team navigate the Houston social services scene.


To celebrate its launch, I'm rolling out a Black Friday deal with a very generous discount.

If you are new to the social services scene here or need to quickly train staff, this is a VERY IN-DEPTH training that can help you.

Anyway, if you are interested, stay tuned for more details in my upcoming emails.

That's all for this email, if you have questions about other community resources you can either respond to this email or visit Houston Case Managers. I've got just over 900+ community resources there.


Nick "Bring Me Your Medicare Questions" Bryant

Houston Case Managers
